Adios Winter

This season was full of ups and downs for me.  I would say that personally, I have experienced the most progression that I have yet.  A bit of an emotional battle early in the season left my head a little out of the game (in addition to a ridiculously long dry-spell) but by February, I had decided it was time to pull my head out of my ass and start focusing my negative energy on my riding.  It worked out pretty good.  

My goals included bagging a video part with 509, hitting bigger and burlier jumps and cliffs, and expanding my business.  Lucky for me, the crew here in Revelstoke is second to none.  I got to spend my days with the likes of Derek Wood, Brodie Evans, Cody Borchers to help with my technical training,  let alone the plethora of other talent that joins us on a daily basis.  We push each other and in all the right ways.  Everyone is just as stoked to get out and ride and it is rare that a day goes by and there is nobody to sled with.  I never take this for granted, I truly love this place and the friend circle it encompasses.  

As for achieving what I set out to do this winter.....well, I am happy with my accomplishments.  I can't guarantee a video segment but I feel that I got a lot of great shots and my fingers are crossed.  Womens' riding is a touchy subject among many.  I don't want a film segment unless it is to standard of all riders, I don't want to be in the film because I am the female athlete on the team.  I want to get solid, quality and aesthetic shots and I want people to get fired up on my riding.  I agree with building confidence and the unity of gender, but not a big proponent of the "girl power" movement.  Rather, hone your skills and get out there and shred with the boys, and do it with style.  So I guess we will see if this fall brings me success in this goal.  I hope it does and I hope it opens the door to more potential media.

Hitting bigger features was kind of the theme of the year.  I had the pleasure of having to ride with Derek Wood this year almost daily.  It doesn't matter how big I go, that kid sends it to the moon every time and makes my line look pidley.  I love him for it though, it sure pushed me to a new level.  I wanted to start hitting man-made booters this year in hopes to start tricking in the future.  It was important that I got over my fear of hitting them I I did that.  I started early in the season building little baby jumps every chance I had.  I started building them bigger and bigger and the fear of approaching that cheese-wedge face completely disappeared.   By spring I was hitting the boys' jumps and once I could do it at almost full throttle, it was game on.  Needless to say, I landed flat more times than a rabbit can turd in a day - but that is how you learn.  I am feeling super comfortable in the air.  I just want to keep sending it and keep progressing that way.  Finding new features to build jumps is just as fun as hitting them too.  It's like treasure island out here and the only barriers are your mind ( and your spine).

Expanding my business, La Nina Sled Camp, is a work in progress.  I ran all my camps out of Revelstoke this season but am working on doing some in other locations next year with the main goal of hopefully getting to Sweden for one. I am not trying to build an empire, I want to keep the camps small and intimate with high quality coaching.  I have had good feedback and more importantly, have noticed a huge difference in the clients skills which makes it all worthwhile.  

The season felt short but I logged lot's of seat time and I am happy to get back into summer and rest and rehab for another big season next year.  I am excited to see what the future holds and see what myself and my shredding buds are capable of.

 I love you winter, but adios.